St Mary Immaculate & The Holy Archangels

 Cogeshall , Kelvedon, Tiptree

 The Presbytery, Church Street, Kelvedon, CO5 9AH

St Mary Immaculate and The Holy Archangels
St John Houghton - Tiptree
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Rededication Programme 28 - 30 March 2020

The Dedication in 1381

The first dedication was made by King Richard II in Westminster Abbey as he sought the protection of Our Lady in the face of great political turmoil. At this point, England received the title 'Mary's Dowry'; meaning that England was 'set aside' as a gift, a dowry, for Our Lady under her guidance and protection.

The Rededication in 2020

As King Richard II once gave England as a gift to Our Lady, so we are invited to give ourselves, as the people of this country, to Mary. We respond to this invitation on the day of Rededication in two ways; by making a personal promise and a communal entrustment A Personal Promise: Our personal promise brings us closer to Mary, the first disciple of Christ. In this we unite in her joy by following her openness to God's call. The Angelus Promise is the prayer of this personal promise. In it we proclaim our own "Yes" in union with Mary through the words of the Annunciation. The Angelus is traditionally prayed three times a day in the Catholic Church: morning, MIDDAY and evening. Stopping what we are doing once a day, at midday, is a good way to honour our Lady and remember our personal promise.

A Communal Entrustment

The Act of Entrustment of England to The Virgin Mary is a prayer of a profoundly historic and spiritual nature, bringing together the prayers of surrender and dedication that have echoed through our history

Saturday 28th March 2020: The Joyful Mysteries at 7pm:

In preparation for the #RededicationAtHome this Sunday, you are invited to pray the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary at 7pm on Saturday night. Please share this information with your friends and family so that we can unite England in prayer, powerfully entering into the day of the Rededication together.

29th March 2020: Rededication Day:

We are inviting you to take part in #RededicationAtHome wherever you are. The Rededication Prayers will take place at noon, at the beginning of midday Mass which will be livestreamed from the Shrine on Sunday 29th March 2020. Download the Angelus Promise and Act of Entrustment and then join the livestream at

30th March 2020: Novena in thanksgiving for the Rededication and protection from the pandemic:

You are invited to join the Rector and Shrine Team in praying the Novena in honour of Our Lady of Walsingham starting Monday 30th March 2020 in thanksgiving for the Rededication of England as the Dowry of Mary and to plead the Lord’s protection from the coronavirus global pandemic. It will be prayed at each Shrine Mass on livestream

“I am the true vine.”  Jesus goes on to say that we are the branches.  A branch can be cut off...

The Solemnity of Pentecost, celebrated 50 days after Easter, falls this year on May 19th. In...

The next meetings are on 2nd and 16th of May at 7.30pm in St Dominic’s Room.    

The Bishop has asked all the priests to take part in a conference in Hertfordshire this Tuesday to...

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